- You have to first list 10 honest things about yourself (and make them interesting)
- Second present the award to seven other bloggers
10 Honest Things About Myself:
- Until 3rd Standard, I studied in a class in which two thirds of batch was consisted of girls [Extremely Lucky and Extraordinary in an Indian School.. :(]
- I always feel that the quality/beauty of the girls in my class went down as i moved up in my academic life. School was better than undergrad college and undergrad college was a lot better than post grad school. [It is true that that you don't realize what you have, until it is taken away from you]
- Though I am a marketer today, I have only taken 3-4 marketing courses in my B-School. [Ever met a marketer who has not studied consumer behavior???]
- I am a closet ManU Supporter. [Since nothing gives me more fun than deriding other ManU Fans like Sajeev]
- And I am crazy about Chennai Super Kings and Boston Red Sox. (I maintain the most popular Chennai Super Kings Fan Blog - http://cskfansite.com)
- As a true Tirunelvelian, my childhood dream has always has been becoming a big "rowdy" with a golden heart in whose control lies the entire city
- I do support George Bush. :) [And Still Believe Hillary would have made a better president to Obama]
- I am a Congress supporter and believes BJP is one of the worst things that ever happened to India
- During my indore days, whenever i visited Tirunelveli, I have to explain to near & apart in Tirunelveli why i did choose such a far away college in central India rather than studying at 'Mummy Papa College' nearby
- Now I have to explain the reason for not working at an IT Company.
Vimal has already picked most of the others. So whoever reads this post, consider yourself nominated for the 'Honest Scrap'.
P.S: The post was lying in my draft for so many days. So decided to complete it only today and post it.